
HI! Jessica, Lorena and Eduardo welcome you to this blog! Here you can see all the documents and tasks performed during this semester for the subject "Métodos y Técnicas de Evaluación Educativa". Post a comment if you want to, feel free to do it

miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010


A partial Test for 1st Level


In this assignment we had to construct a partial test for the 1st level of the Belisario Dominguez. This test is intended to cover the most important skills and knowledge the students acquire during a month. This was a collaborative project where 3 teachers Eduardo Jessica, and Lorena that contributed making decisions, designing, revising and writing the different parts of the test following a clear process which will be described in a specific section of this paper. First, the objectives of the program and their analysis will be stated. Second, the specification of the test will be described. Third, the test items with their answer key will be presented. Forth, the scoring will be discussed. Fifth, the revision from two moderators will be presented as a narration. Sixth, the process of the development of the test will be described. Finally, there will be section to analyse 4 individual items.

Objectives and analysis for testing purposes

This is an integrated skills course that includes grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation as tools to develop the 4 skills. It is a beginner level test where students have to cover different objectives for each skill and tool. For listening, students have to infer the correct specific information for each item, a conversation with 9 exchanges. For reading, they have to infer information and look for specific information in an interview. For Writing, students are supposed to be able to write complete sentences using simple present and the pattern verb dislike and dislike. For speaking, students are required to hold conversations with 8 exchanges minimum, using appropriate vocabulary, grammar, understanding so that they can ask and give personal information, express opinion. For grammar, students are asked to identify and use several structures such as the simple present, the use of the pattern verb likes and dislikes. For vocabulary, students have to be able to recognize and use verbs and adverbs related to the topic.
It was a tough job to make up our minds about what to assess. First we made a check list of all the skills, sub-skills, grammatical and vocabulary items and pronunciation features covered in the program. They we asked the teachers who had taught this course about how frequently each skill, sub-skill and grammatical or vocabulary items occurred in the program and how relevant each of them was. We also checked the frequency and relevance of the content in each unit and in the materials (text book). Experience, documents and materials gave us cues to make our decisions. They are stated in the section.

Test Specifications


Objective: To infer and look for specific information from an interview of around 300 words.
Format: An interview
Task: Answer some comprehension questions/ multiple choice items
Time: 15 minutes
(1 exercise)


Objective: To identify the correct answer stating which the verbs patterns likes and dislikes from a conversation with maximum of 9 exchanges in a given topic.
Format: A conversation
Task: To answer a multiple choice exercise (Choose the correct response).
Time:15 minutes
(1 exercise)


Objective: Identify and use the pattern verb likes and dislikes, sentences, questions and short answers in simple present
Format: fill in the blanks
Task: FB: Write the correct form of the verb
Time: 15 minutes
(2 exercises)


Objective: To write short sentences expressing their likes and dislikes using the correct grammatical patterns.
Format: short sentences.
Task: Write short sentences.
(1 exercise)


Objective: Identify and use verbs and adverbs appropriately in written form.
Format: Matching exercises
Task: Use the appropriate verb or adverb in given sentences.
Time: 10 minutes
(1 exercise)


Objectives: ask and answer likes and dislikes with the appropriate structure with 8 exchanges.
Format: Prompts to make a conversation in pairs
Task: One student asks and the other one answers appropriately and share information.
(1 exercise)
Time: 10 minutes maximum peer pair of students

Belisario Domínguez

Level: beginners

Partial Test

Name:______________________________ Group_________
Date _______________

Module 1: listening (20 points)


Listen to the conversation and choose whether the woman likes or dislikes each type of movie. Listen again to the recording and check your answers
1. cartoon:
a. Like
b. Dislike
1. Principio del formulario
1. Action:
a) Like
b) Dislike
2. Comedies:
a) Like
b) Dislike

3. Horror:
a) Like
b) Dislike
4. Love:
a) Like
b) Dislike
5. Foreign:
a) Like
b) Dislike

Module 2: Grammar (15 points)


a. Example: I like hot dogs.

a. I ____________ hamburgers
b. I ____________ pizza
c. I ____________ dumplings
d. I ____________ sushi
e. I ____________ fried rice
f. I ____________ noodles
g. I ____________ cake
h. I ____________ tacos
i. I ____________tiramisú cake

COMPLETE THE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. USE: you, like, do, don´t, apples, oranges, cucumbers, soup, potatoes, peach.

a. Do you like vegetables ? No, I don´t.

a. ___ you like _______ ? Yes, I_____.
b. ___ you ______ ________ ? No, I ______ .
c. ___ _____ _____ __________ ? Yes, I ______.
d. Do ___ _____ _________ ? No, I ______.
e. ____ you like ________ ? Yes, I ______.
f. ____ you ______ ________ ? No, I _______.

Module 2: Reading (20 points)


Read the following interview and give the correct answer to the questions, underlining the option.

1. Does Carlos like watching TV?
a) Yes, He does.
b) No, He doesn´t
c) Yes, He do.

A: Excuse me. My names Hamsa and I work for the Khaleej Times here in Dubai. We’re doing a survey about people’s lifestyles for our magazine. Can I ask you a few questions?B: Yes – of course A: OK then. First – what’s your name and where do you live? B: My name’s Sarah Downie. I live in Jumeirah and work in a bank in Deira city centre.A: Do you enjoy working in Dubai Sarah?B: Well, the job is good, I really like it but driving into Deira City Centre is awful. The traffic is very bad and also most drivers are terrible. It takes a long time in the morning and it is very dangerous and I hate it. A: Are you married Sarah?B : Yes I am - My husband's an architect - his office is in Bur Dubai. We have 2 children - two boys. A: What are your hobbies Sarah? B: Well, I do a lot of things. I love reading and painting and also, I quite enjoy music.A: Oh music – that’s interesting .Do you play the piano?B: No but I really like singing and I take singing lessons every week on Sunday. The boys take piano lessons at their school- they are really good at music. A: OK, let’s move on to sports. What sports does your family enjoy?B: Well, I don’t like going to the gym and I hate jogging but my husband likes that. I love yoga and swimming and also sailing. I do yoga 4 days a week. I don’t have much time for sailing but we try to go as often as we can.The boys really love it - and they love windsurfing as well. A: Well, that’s great - thanks. And thank you for your time.Enjoy your day!B: Thanks - you’re welcome.


1. Does Sarah like working in Dubai?
a) Yes, she does.
b) No, she doesn´t
c) Yes, she do.

2. What´s the hobby Sarah likes the most?
a) She doesn´t hate reading
b) She likes reading and painting
c) She loves reading and painting

3. What does Sarah hate to do?
a) She doesn´t like going to the gym
b) She hates jogging
c) She hates sailing

4. What do Sarah´s children like doing?
a) They love spending time with the family.
b) They love sailing and windsurfing
c) They don´t hate sailing and windsurfing

Module 4: Vocabulary (15 points)
Final del formulario

Match the items on the right to the items on the left.

I Like horror movies. Play
He plays with cars. Frequently
They frequently like go to the park. Like

I ______ like comedies because they make me laugh.
What movies would you ____ to see for tonight's party?
What kinds of movies do you want to _________?
I often enjoy renting foreign movies even though I can't understand what the actors are saying. I just ____ the subtitles.
My sister really ______ action movies.

Module 5: Speaking (20 points)
Work in pairs. Ask your partner about the things he/she likes or doesn’t like. You can follow the structure of the dialogs below or invented your own. The Effective use of grammar structure and correct vocabulary will be assessed. You will perform it in front of the class.
Do you like music Diana? Yes, I do.
What kind of music do you like? I really like rock a lot.
A: Do you__________ disco music?
B: Yes, I really like ___________. How about you?
A: I ___________ like it very much.

A: What kind of TV programs _____ you like?
B: Game shows. I like _____ a lot. Do you like them?
A: No, I __________like________ very much. I __________ music videos.

Module 6: Writing (20 points)
Your own likes and dislikes
Summarize your five most important likes and dislikes by making sentences.

Example: I really like swimming and jogging.

Things I love:

Things that I like:

Things I don’t like:

Things I hate:

Final del formulario

Answer Key and scoring

A. Grammar

1. - Look at the faces and complete with like or don´t like
a) like b) don´t like c) like d) don´t like e) don´t like f) like g) like h) don´t like i) like

2.- Complete the questions and answers. use: you, like, do, don´t, apples, oranges, cucumbers, soup, potatoes, peach.

a) Do- apples-do b)do-like-oranges-don´t c) do- you- like- cucumber- do d) you like
Score: 1 points per item with a total of 20

B. Reading


Read the following interview and give the correct answer to the questions, underlining the option.

1.- a)Yes, she does.
2.- c) She loves reading and painting
3.- c) She hates jogging
4.- b) they love sailing and windsurfing
Score: 5 each item with a total of 20 points

C. Listening

Listen to the conversation and choose whether the woman likes or dislikes each type of movie. Listen again to the recording and check your answers
1) dislike 2) dislike 3) dislike 4) like 5) like
Score: 4 each item with a total of 20 points

D. Vocabulary

1.- really
2.- like
3.- watch
4.- read
5.- loves
Score: 3 points per item with a total of 15

Rubrics for speaking
Effective use of structure with few or no mistakes. (5 pts.)
Effective use of vocabulary. (5 pts.)
Meaning is conveyed, some mistakes. (3-4 pts.)
Uses basic and learned vocabulary.
(3-4 pts.)
Many mistakes with basic structures. (1-2 pts.)
Limited vocabulary.
(1-2 pts.)
Lack of use of structures. (0 pts.)

Incomprehensible because of insufficient vocabulary. (0 pts.)

Score: Grammar: from 0 to 5/ Vocabulary: from 0-5/

Scoring from 0 to 10
Rubrics for writing
Always uses correct grammatical patterns (5 pts.)
Always shows appropriate use of vocabulary. (5 pts.)
Most of the time uses correct grammatical patterns (3-4 pts.)
Frequently shows appropriate use of vocabulary. (3-4 pts.)
Sometimes uses correct grammatical patterns. (1-2 pts.)
Sometimes shows appropriate use of vocabulary. (1-2 pts.)
Seldom uses correct grammatical patterns (0 pts.)

Seldom shows appropriate use of vocabulary. (0 pts.)

Score: Grammar: from 0 to 5/ Vocabulary: from 0-5/
Scoring from 0 to 10

Comments by moderators

This test was moderated by Ana Rosa and Alfonso. Both helped improve the test because they found some errors we had not seen. They both agreed saying that the test was not valid and reliable because it was very difficult according with the level of the students (beginners) and because some exercises have two possible answers specially reading exercises and vocabulary. We changed the reading exercises for others easier, clear and with just one correct answer. We focused in their advices about the validity and reliability; they told us to be careful about the possible answers in the reading exercises, because some could have similar meaning, so we could confuse our students. Then they checked it again and both agreed saying that the text was valid and reliable. Both moderators thought that the objectives and the specifications were practical and clear. They also answer our check list. See the check list that is below.
Comments by moderator
Is the English grammatically correct?

Is the English natural and acceptable?

Is the English in accordance with the specs?

Does the item test what it is supposed to test?

The correct response cannot be obtained without the appropriate grammar knowledge?

Is the item economical?

Multiple choice- is there only 1 correct answer?
Gap filling – are there just one or two correct responses?

Multiple choices – are the distractors really going to distract?

Is the key complete and correct?

Are the instructions complete? Not too long?

Is there an example?

Developing the Test: Describing the Process

As everything in life, we had to follow some steps to develop our test: First, we went back to the contents and objectives of the course we planned, because we do not have text book already, so we had to make a plan while the books are given. Then, we chose the most relevant aspects to evaluate in this level. After this, we organized the objectives for the test, taking into consideration what some teachers of the same school have told us about their own experience in teaching. Then, we decided to have 6 sections for the test, reading, listening, grammar, writing, vocabulary and speaking. For the level of our students, we did
not focus our course on pronunciation and fluency, because our students are in the first level, but it was mainly focussed on sentence structure and vocabulary.

We decided to use direct testing because of the author’s recommendations who say that it is the best way to do it. This is to test writing by writing and speaking by speaking. However, for reading and listening this is not possible because of the type of skills, in which we cannot see to what extent our students understand the message given.

Next, we worked on the specifications of the items. We had to make decisions on the format of the item, the task type and the time we would spend on each activity. Making a task like this implies so much work, doing agreements and negotiating with our co-workers the aspects of those items. We tried to include items that were objective and that facilitated the scoring of the test, making them as clear as possible. We also included multiple choice items to assess listening and reading, because it is easier to check, score and get reliability. For grammar, we included filling-blanks items because it was easier to evaluate the structures that need to be assessed. To assess vocabulary, we chose a filling-blanks exercise where students could prove that they could identify and use verbs and adverbs adequately. For writing and speaking, some prompts and some guidelines to develop the task were given in order to set a context and to provide students with some information about the requirements of the task and the scoring. To score these two skills some rubrics were developed with scores from 0 to 10. Consequently these rubrics make the test more reliable when scoring.

After that, we made decisions about different things such as time and scores for each area of the test. This test was given 85 minutes Ideal timing was assigned to each section. Reading was given 15minutes, listening 15 minutes, grammar 15 minutes, Writing 20 minutes, vocabulary 10 minutes and speaking 10 minutes. The total exam will be 115 points which will be divided as follows, reading 20, listening 20, grammar 20, writing 20, vocabulary 15 and speaking 20. It was preferred to place the listening items at the beginning because of administration issues such as allowing fast students to leave as soon as they finished the test and avoid interruptions when students are working on a different section of the test.

The evaluation of the test

We think students might believe this test is valid since we are assessing only the most relevant skills and knowledge they should have acquired during the course. We focused on the most frequent and relevant skills and knowledge, especially the new things and the things that were practiced in several units or that made students spend more time and that had to be produced at a certain point in the program. There are no surprises because we included only the topics we have seen in class. The types of items were carefully selected and an extensive revision of their materials was made in order to assure the students familiarity with them. Also, all instructions were read and discussed several times to make sure they were clear and the vocabulary was simple. We also included an example below each instruction to avoid confusion.

Items Analysis

We had some difficulties finding the text for the reading item, because the topics of the course required a simple and clear text talking about the likes and dislikes of someone. The only text we have found was the interview, including understandable words for beginners. We had to choose between three options for the text, so the interview was found as the best option to evaluate this skill. We had to be very careful that only one answer was possible, in order to obtain high reliability. The second reading comprehension question is an example.

1. - What’s the hobby Sarah likes the most?

a) She doesn’t hate reading
b) She really likes reading and painting
c) She loves reading and painting
b and c are possible according to the interview. We modify a little bit the option b as this:

2. - What’s the hobby Sarah likes the most?

a) She doesn’t hate reading
b) She likes reading and painting
c) She loves reading and painting

In this way the option b has lower intention than the letter c, so the correct answer is c.
It was difficult to design the speaking item, because we needed a situation that allowed students to make a conversation in pairs. We were not so sure about having them working in pairs during an exam. However, after a half an hour when surfing the web, we found a model for a speaking activity; we just had to adapt it according to the level of the students. The activity resulted to be purposeful and reliable for the group. The hardest aspect of this item was deciding how the students are going to perform it, we focused in give clear instructions. We had to go back to the objectives, and then, we limited them and then we could design the rubrics according with his level, so we didn’t be strict and did not assess in speaking the intonation and fluency. In writing we do not assess the punctuation and paragraph organization, we focused just in their level skills.

Speaking Rating Sheet
10 Points
Student’s name________________________________
Group___________ Level ______
Effective use of structure with few or no mistakes. (5 pts.)
Effective use of vocabulary. (5 pts.)
Meaning is conveyed, some mistakes. (3-4 pts.)
Uses basic and learned vocabulary.
(3-4 pts.)
Many mistakes with basic structures. (1-2 pts.)
Limited vocabulary.
(1-2 pts.)
Lack of use of structures. (0 pts.)

Incomprehensible because of insufficient vocabulary. (0 pts.)

Score: Grammar: from 0 to 5/ Vocabulary: from 0-5/
Scoring from 0 to 10

Writing Rating Sheet
10 Points
Student’s name________________________________
Group___________ Level ______
Always uses correct grammatical patterns (5 pts.)
Always shows appropriate use of vocabulary. (5 pts.)
Most of the time uses correct grammatical patterns (3-4 pts.)
Frequently shows appropriate use of vocabulary. (3-4 pts.)
Sometimes uses correct grammatical patterns. (1-2 pts.)
Sometimes shows appropriate use of vocabulary. (1-2 pts.)
Seldom uses correct grammatical patterns (0 pts.)

Seldom shows appropriate use of vocabulary. (0 pts.)

Score: Grammar: from 0 to 5/ Vocabulary: from 0-5/
Scoring from 0 to 10


In this unit we already felt as a real teachers, because we learned how to design an English test with the whole knowledge of the before units. We stated with our learning objectives and contents. We understood they are the bases of a strong assessment, and then we focused on the specification (specs) of the test, which also help us to have the organization and the duration of each activity.
We also learned to work in group in a collaborative real assessment, because Jessica, Lorena and Eduardo already are teaching English classes in the elementary school “Belisario Dominguez” with kids of beginner level, so we shared our own ideas, few experience and some activities that we looked in books and the internet to design the subjective and objective items test.
Looking for the accurate and appropriately exercises for each skill was the most enjoyable time, because we had fun thinking in our students and being emphatic with their interests. We understand the importance of the direct tests and the rubrics to evaluate with reliability and validity subjective items as speaking and writing.
Finally, we realized the importance of the whole background knowledge (for example: the assessment techniques) of the last units, in order to integrate it in this unit for designing our first formal test. We are very happy to acquire more knowledge as strategies, techniques, methods, sequences, tips, models, examples and assessment process to become in short time, in an excellent English teachers.

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